Beaches Veterans Memorial Park

Atlantic Beach Florida

BVMP Board of Directors

The Beaches Veterans Memorial Park Inc is governed by a Board of Directors who are also members of one or more of the Military Associations located in the Jacksonville Florida beach cities as well as key members of the City of Atlantic Beach Florida.


Clarence Hill

 Past National Commander American Legion

Email Clarence Hill

Vice President

Mike Borno

Email Mike Borno

2nd Vice President

Pat Ivory

Past President of the Mayport Chapter MOAA.  Pat is current a practicing Physicians Assistant.

Email Pat Ivory


Julie Hammond

Email Julie Hammond


Harvey Warnock

Bio pending

Email Harvey Warnock

Director At Large

Rick Carper

Email Rick Carper

Director At Large - Historian

Lenny Jevic

Email Lenny Jevic

Director -- Post 316

Joe Johnson

Email Joe Johnson

Director -- Post 129

Joe Maichle

Email Joe Maichle

Director -- Post 3270

Rich Possert, Jr.

Email Rich Possert, Jr.

Director First Coast Naval Order

Bob Buehn

Email Bob Buehn


John Snyder

John is retired from the US Navy and was a member of the Mayport Chapter MOAA, one of our founding organizations no longer in existence.  He is also owner of Professional Web Solutions LLC providing web applications for small businesses and non-profit organizations.  John created this website as a contribution to the park project.

Email John Snyder

Grants Admin

Rick Carper

Email Rick Carper

Director of Sales

Lenny Jevic

Email Lenny Jevic

Auxiliary Liaison

Liz Hill

Email Liz Hill

Brick Admin

Lenny Jevic

Email Lenny Jevic